ernie im zoo: (leider nur auf englisch...)
BERT: What happened today, Ernie?
ERNIE: Nothing.
BERT: I'm sorry to hear that...but wait, weren't you at the zoo today? Things are always happening at the zoo.
ERNIE: Not today, Bert. (looks at finger) Well, there was one thing. See, got this teeny, tiny scratch on my finger here.
BERT: That's too bad. How did that happen?
ERNIE: I think it must have happened when I fell down.
BERT: But how did you happen to fall down?
ERNIE: I think it was when I was running away from the big dog.
BERT: But why was a big dog chasing you?
ERNIE: Well, he wasn't, Bert. You see, I thought he was, but actually he was running away from the tiger.
BERT: The tiger?! What was the tiger doing out of its cage?
ERNIE: The monkey let it out.
BERT: But what was the monkey doing out of its cage?
ERNIE: Well, I think it got out when I opened the door of its cage to put the rabbit in.
BERT: But why were you putting the rabbit in the monkey's cage?
ERNIE: Well, with all the elephants running around, I was afraid it would get stepped on.
BERT: Why were the elephants out of their cages?!
ERNIE: The hippopotamuses were out, why not the elephants?
BERT: But how did the hippopotamuses get out?
ERNIE: Well, I didn't see it, Bert, but I think it was when the bus crashed into their cage.
BERT: Why would a bus crash into the hippopotamus cage?
ERNIE: The driver couldn't see because of the lights, Bert.
BERT: What lights?!!
ERNIE: From the flying saucer.
BERT: Ernie, you said nothing happened at the zoo today!!!!
ERNIE: Well, I thought so, Bert, but I was wrong.
BERT: I'll say you were wrong!!!!
ERNIE: Yeah. See, I got this teeny, tiny scratch on my finger here.

ohne die stimmen dazu, natürlich nur halb so lustig...
allzeit gute fahrt :-)