In Antwort auf: Yes that does sound like another story!!!!
Sure is
I think in fact there are some W's in New Zealand. You should check out . Unfortunately you'll have to register to read the messages.But I think I read someone from NZ there.
In Antwort auf: I hadn't ridden for years and then just decided that my life was not complete without a bike in it.
Same with me - and it feels so good to ride again
How old are your kids?? My youngest is 6 and has just proudly ridden his first Tour when we all went to the 'big' annual meeting.
Unfortunately we have three of them, so one has always to be left behind unless we find a friend to come along - but they are ever so happy when we take them for a ride .
Nice to have you with us, Claire - looks as if we can look forward to some nice chats BTW there actually is a chat on this site every wednesday night , starting at 9 pm local time - if you click on the '' right on top of this page you'll get to the main site . On top of the 'forum' button you'll find one that reads ' chat' You'll always find some of us there on Wednesdays . I'd be happy to welcome you there one evening.
thanx for translating my message in the Japanese Forum!
Well; let's see if any Japanese rider who doesn't speak English will "use" you as a mediator between our languages! You'll be experts in German Estrellas afterwards! Learning by translating - so to say!
Thank you to you and Estrellitan for your efforts! Best regards Andreas . Achtung, dies ist die Stellungnahme eines notorisch oberlehrerhaften und besserwisserischen Dummschwätzers
Hi, Andreas & Rodorinx, Let's see good reaction from japanese riders specially on "Customize". Still I wonder german/kiwi riders how to keep your Estrella good condition before "customize". In Japan, we can claim manufacture when we face with "Problem" on product like oil leak etc. There is no problem in Japan if your Estrella is in "sick" because manufacture can support her life. But how the situation is in Germany and NZ.
1. major maintenance on my wife's Estrella here in the Netherlands. 2. Kawasaki Headquarters for Europe are in The Netherlands (30km from where I live...). 3. but Estrellas have never been sold in the Netherlands (no parts list at the Kawa-dealer !). 4. How long will it take to get the right parts ?
If it takes 2-3 days in Germany where Estrellas are known, I guess it will take between 1 week and ??? weeks here where nobody knows - and nobody cares... Considering the complexity of administrative routes in Europe anything is possible. U.
I suppose as long as the part numbers can be found in the repair handbook, it should be no problem and you should get the parts as fast as any other Kawasaki part which is available / on stock in the Netherlands headquarter!
I guess your local dealer has or can get a (German) repair handbook. At least on CD, given to him by a customer. You surely know someone who has the handbook on CD?! Or ask Geneviève! She sees someone nearly every day who has one!
CU Andreas . Achtung, dies ist die Stellungnahme eines notorisch oberlehrerhaften und besserwisserischen Dummschwätzers
I knew it !!! I was right ! It will take at least a week for a couple of piston rings to get from A (Kawasaki European headquarters) 30 km down to my dealer !!!! (Although I must admit that I don't know where they keep those greasy parts... probably in a more greasy area than the periphery of Schiphol airport where they put their HQ) U.