In Antwort auf: I'm a poor lonesome machoThat's a good joke, Wilfried.
Général de Paulle.
- Always Retro. -
I meant mainland europe Yes I will get some pics up when its finished. Of course England is not part of Europe, we are an island, no Euro currency and we dont speak foreign languages
05.11.2007 19:42
Schon geil wenn man ohne grosse Gewissensbisse solch Auspuffanlage fahren kann.... Grüße PeWe
"Das sicherste Mittel, arm zu bleiben, ist ein ehrlicher Mensch zu sein."
06.11.2007 19:45
Hey Glen, the gastank is looking great. Where did you bought it? The bike is nice, but it could be a hard job trying to drive it in germany with these pipes.
Wir sind hart wie Marmelade und zäh wie Himbeergelee
That is a job well done! The bike looks very "light" and has a clean style. I like it, it has something very basic comparable to the style of the XT500. Very clean looks indeed and I do wonder too what that exhaust sounds like !!!! J
Samma, habt ihr alle einen Knick in der Optik ? Nice try, but still a poor job
----------------------------------------------- Für Motorräder bin ich dermaßen offen, man könnte meinen ich wäre nicht ganz dicht :-)
Cheers guys, 'Nice try, but still poor job' Would love to see your attempt(s) then , stick some pics up
Ah I understand Martin now, he is now a HOG owner so has been brainwashed in the american way We must be nice to him, it is not his fault
Good job, but why did you make such a big loop at the beginning of the exhaust?
The big loop(s) resemble the old Triumph exhaust of many years ago, it is a great and original design and this exhaust is a respectful replica
The loops really look a little like a combination of a crash bar with an exhaust. Great invention!
In Antwort auf: so has been brainwashed in the American wayGlen, just to let you know we have at least one American in our Forum and
at the same time he is an EX-Harley rider.
I know this because he is me!
I do like the looks of your W, I am glad we all have some what differnt tastes,
otherwise everyone would be ride a bike like mine!!
Or I would be riding yours.
Best wishes,
................................................... ! TIME; use it.... or Lose it ! Deutsch Lesen Ja, schreiben, naja..... ...................................................
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