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Dear europeans fellows take care of your old boys' toys, the W is no longer in the 2007 range of Kawasaki Wilfrid
It's official then, where did you hear it? Well, I will not put my W in storage, but I wonder how many will start buying W's now for spare parts usage... J
23.11.2006 19:21
I heard it today also from Bruno! . . Gruß HobbyJe älter ich werde um so schneller war ich früher...
23.11.2006 19:45
What a pitybilder hier hin mailen Lieber in manchen Augen eine Zicke, als gleichgeschaltet W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte
Had a look at all the European kawa sites'links on Kawashima post, nowhere in sight in the 2007 range, on the French forum someone said that a dealer would have said that they would sale the stocks up to 2008, but anyway it won't last.
I hate greens sometimes
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