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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
und wurde 744 mal aufgerufen
Heizer Offline

Beiträge: 66

03.10.2006 16:04
Muffler replacement Antworten

Hello, I am the so called "Heizer" from the German forum - its a synonym for fast driving.
Due to my favorite way of driving I recognize that i am destroying the silencers at the front edge of the bulb. Therefore I am going to replace them by Norton Commande Interstate mufflers and new exhaust tubes. This change may reduce or eliminate the interference pipe. As far as I know, this pipe is useful for the top end power. Is somebody around with specific experience about the performance after changing the silencer and tubes ?



JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

04.10.2006 19:14
#2 RE: Muffler replacement Antworten

Hello Heizer,

I think that the expert on mufflers and things is Mr. Jon Haddock on the US/UK W650Riders yahoo forum.


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