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JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

29.06.2005 23:37
LSL Thruxton Antworten


From the french forum : Triumph Thruxton by LSL

For the thread in the French forum :

Nice bike, good ideas for the W !


bleibxund Offline

Beiträge: 12.273

29.06.2005 23:54
#2 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

And that's what they (LSL) made of our poor and innocent W:

... with an 18" front wheel

Vorsicht ist die Einstellung, die das Leben sicherer macht, aber selten glücklicher (Dr. Samuel Johnson)

JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

30.06.2005 10:02
#3 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Yeah ,
going for the looks of above two bikes, I would go for the Thruxton anytime !

I thought LSL had skipped the W from their program a long time ago ? Is this an old picture or have they restarted modifying W's ?


Pupsi Offline

Beiträge: 2.617

30.06.2005 12:23
#4 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

U-W Offline

Beiträge: 6.367

01.07.2005 14:38
#5 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

mir gefällt die aber !!!


Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht.(clemens ronnefeldt)

Dünnling Offline

Beiträge: 4.289

01.07.2005 14:56
#6 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Mir gefällt der Frontfender. Kostet (glaube ich) 170€. Das gefällt mir weniger.
Oh, tschulligung, this is ja an international Forum!
I like the front-fender on this bike. Costs about 170€. I don't like THAT at all...

U-W Offline

Beiträge: 6.367

01.07.2005 22:31
#7 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Thats, what i was waiting for ......


Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht.(clemens ronnefeldt)

fatstring Offline

Beiträge: 52

02.07.2005 03:15
#8 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

"Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht."
Could you clarify the meaning of "Imperiums"? I'm not looking to start an argument about US policy, just looking for a German lesson. Thanks,

Cadfael Offline

Beiträge: 2.299

02.07.2005 07:44
#9 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Hi fatstring,

We have / use three words which have the same meaning.
"Imperium" means "Empire" or "Reich"/"Weltreich".

When we talk about Britain in the 18th and 19th century, we use the word "Empire" and say "Im britischen Empire ging die Sonne niemals unter." / "The sun never set in the British Empire." I think that's the only case we use the word "Empire" in German.

We mainly use the word "Imperium" for the Roman Empire = "Römisches Imperium" (Latin: "Imperium Romanum") and for economical empires like "Er schuf ein Öl-Imperium" / "He created an oil empire." Another case we use "Imperium" is in Science Fiction! "The Empire strikes back" is "Das Imperium schlägt zurück."

The third word we use is the word "Reich" or "Weltreich".
It's an ancient German word. It is used for Rome too - "Das Römische Reich". Or "Das Tierreich" "the animal kingdom". And of cause "Das Deutsche Reich" "the German Empire"- "the German Reich". It's a little bit complicated when to use which word ...

Some Germans compare the behaviour of the USA with the behaviour of the old Rome. Everyone has to bebefit from their way of life and culture - if they want or not.
On the other hand, the words empire and imperialism have the same roots. It's more clear in German where the words are Imperium and Imperialismus.
When we say "das US-Imperium" it has a negative undertone. People who think 100% positive of the USA wouldn't use this expression. "Das Ende des US-Imperiums" can directly be compared with "the end of the Roman Empire". It was followed by the Dark Age, but at least it brought freedom to the conquered peoples* ...

Hope this helped you a bit ...


*For some Germans: Hier wurde der Plural "peoples" gewählt, weil es "Völker" und nicht "Leute" bedeuten soll ...

Achtung, dies ist die Stellungnahme eines notorisch oberlehrerhaften und besserwisserischen Dummschwätzers

fatstring Offline

Beiträge: 52

02.07.2005 18:02
#10 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Danke Schon!!! That is more answer than I expected to get. Thank you, Andreas! string
I figured out that it was probably close to imperialism and used in a negative way, but German, as a language, kind of tricks me sometimes and the root of the word does not mean what I thought it meant.
I am fully aware that US policy is not appreciated by all. You, however, chose to answer me in a very civil tone and I thank you for that.
Alright, enough politics (and teaching poor "scheisse Ammie's" German), back to motorcycles!

U-W Offline

Beiträge: 6.367

02.07.2005 22:29
#11 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

Hi fatstring,

this sentence is not negativ about the Americans, only about the Bush-Administration and their policy. Sorry, my english is not so perfect like that from other germans, so I can not translate this in the right meaning.


Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht.(clemens ronnefeldt)

ursula Offline

Beiträge: 3.879

02.07.2005 22:45
#12 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

the sentence is , in fact , quoted from an article written by Clemens Ronnefeld ,who is Adviser for peace questions with the German branch of the International reconciliation federation

It can be translated as follows:

In the end we should hope that the foreseeable end of the US empire (Bush Administration)will no longer cause many more wars, deaths and further unspeakable suffering as it did in the Iraq .

just a little bit of politics to clarify things:

Most people over here do distinguish between the "Americans" and "the Bush Administration "- when we say "Scheiss Ami" we normally mean the politics, not the person.

But then- this is normal, isn't it - when I was a child in Britain, everybody talked of Hitler, when they heard I was German

Luckily, we do have the opportunity to get to know the individuals behind the Politics - which is one more reason, why I really love this worlwidewebbything and this forum, and of course, the W650riders group

W 650 : buy the bike - and get the friends for free

W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte

JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

02.07.2005 23:21
#13 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

I wish more people rode a motorcycle, or at least talked about it. For sure there would be less problems around the world...

I still think that LSL bike looks very powerfulm and masculin. I like it.

I took my W through a beautiful part of Sweden today. Strolling around the West-coast on nearly deserted roads. It was a short drive, only 100km but how different it is from driving a bike in overcrowded Belgium. There is so much space over here !

But I still need to find some nice curvy roads and I should also say that I do not feel yet 100% comfortable on the bike. It will take some time before I scrape the footpegs again...

I was happily spinning in the 5000-6000 rpm zone and cruising between 100-140 to 160 km/h.

Also have the impression the headlight rattle is back !

Well I hope to be up early tomorrow (sunrise somewhere before 04:00 am

Take Care !

ursula Offline

Beiträge: 3.879

02.07.2005 23:26
#14 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

I like the bike, too .

Joris- you must check out the best curvy routes for our international W 650 meeting in Sweden- midsummer 2006 in Sweden - doesn't that sound great ?

Always keep the rubber side down

W 650 : buy the bike - and get the friends for free

W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte

pelegrino Offline

Beiträge: 51.725

03.07.2005 00:21
#15 RE:LSL Thruxton Antworten

In Antwort auf:
...our international W 650 meeting in Sweden...
Perhaps we could do it in Norway as well...

Life is pretty boring when you take yourself too seriously!

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