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Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten
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kawashima Offline

Beiträge: 78

08.01.2006 10:50
W400 Antworten

I read about scoop of W400 release in japanese magazine "motor cyclist".
Today I went to kawasaki shop and asked"Is it true that W400 will be released?"
He answered"Yeah.It's true." There is not official information yet, but it will come to japanese market in a few months. Japanese bike licence is different between under 400cc and over 400cc so
this model is targetted to under 400cc licence owners.

kawashima Offline

Beiträge: 78

09.01.2006 16:51
#2 RE: W400 Antworten

As far as article in "Motorcyclist" is correct,
W400 has basically same body with W650 but below 2 things
No kick starter
No center stand
It was not written about engine bore/stroke yet.
Some of W650 owners in japan are welcoming W400 cause after market parts supply will increase, while some aren't cause young chavvy owner will increase/ or some took big bike licence only to buy W650. Personally I think W400 would be a little bit too powerless for its weight.
48ps / 675 * 400 = 28ps!? Even if designed as more high lev engine, I suspect it would be less than 35ps.

U-W Offline

Beiträge: 6.367

09.01.2006 21:04
#3 RE: W400 Antworten

very interesting for newcomers.

Maybe, it will be the new Estrella


Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht.(clemens ronnefeldt)

JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

11.01.2006 21:37
#4 RE: W400 Antworten

Some will say it is a small step from W400 to W800...

w-paolo Offline

Beiträge: 25.139

11.01.2006 22:11
#5 RE: W400 Antworten

Yes, indeed my friend !!!

Wait and Sea !

Paul Mc Eightfiffty.
--- Same Procedure as last Year. ---

kawashima Offline

Beiträge: 78

15.04.2006 01:47
#6 RE: W400 Antworten
I went to "K's meet 2006" held at Suzuka twin circuit on 09-April. K's meet is Kawasaki bikes test ride festival. It is very rare chance that we can test new bikes.
There were ZZR1400, ZX10R, ZX6R, ZRX1200R, Z750S, ER-6n, Zephyr750, W650, W400, ZRX400, estrella, D-tracker, and eliminator250V.
I test rode W400 so I write short impression.
When I sat on the seat, I noticed the 35mm lowered seat and wide middle-up? handle bar makes easier position also for biginner user.Weight is almost same with W650 in spec but I felt this bike very light.(I think it's why my W is attached too much and too heavy...)
At first I tried to start just like I do on my W650 intentionally.Then it stalled! Less torque and not so low 1st gear makes it a little bit difficult to start. More smooth clutch handling and wider open is needed at start than I do on W650.
I entered into course just after pace maker. Engine was very smooth. Rev up soo smooth. and less pulse and less exhaust note. This bike runs very lightly. I sped till about 80km/h in the course.
I felt handling at corner a little bit strange cause I use narrow mid bar.
Pick up when I open throttle was disappointing even in 2nd gear.
Totally, I felt this is one fair choice for beginner who just passed 400cc licence in japan.
In 400cc class lineups,multi like CB400SF or single like SR400/CB400SS are popular, two cylinders : only SV400. New choice for calm beginner rider. But I don't suggest this to experienced rider.
I hope many supplier makes new aftermarket parts of this bike compatible with W650.

normal W400

customed W400


ursula Offline

Beiträge: 3.879

16.04.2006 22:20
#7 RE: W400 Antworten

hey, kawashima

thanks for sharing the pictures and for telling us about your impression of the W 400

Lieber in manchen Augen eine Zicke, als gleichgeschaltet

W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte

w-paolo Offline

Beiträge: 25.139

16.04.2006 22:35
#8 RE: W400 Antworten
Yeah , thank You.

Iff I ever will have a weight of 45 Kilogramm, I will buy One.

Die Spatzen von den Dächern pfeifen:
" S'ist Frühling, lasst die Nippel schleifen !"

JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

17.04.2006 09:30
#9 RE: W400 Antworten

Hey Kawashima!

Thanks for the pictures. It would be good if this model can bring more aftermarket parts to the W650! Keeping my fingers crossed that Kawa builds a classic racer package for this one!


Phang Offline

Beiträge: 19

06.09.2006 05:31
#10 RE: W400 Antworten

Hello kawashima-san,

I agreed with you on the lack of engine torque, I need to open the throttle wider and release the clutch with a smoother action to launch the W400 at a traffic light at avoid engine stall. Overall, it feels lighter than the 193kg Kawasaki quoted in the specification sheet.


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