That was a great idea, yet the thing is that exchanging in English with people not the same culture is always difficult, a misanderstanding is so easy on the web so here! Just think to kokochinsky By the way is he the same in German Anyway it is a great idea the bet is will it last May be in september May be by advertising Wait and see. Wilfrid from Avignon
The bet is will this forum stay alive in spite of the difficulties to communicate when you only share a bike. What is to win? I don't know, may be we could ask a bookmaker if he's interested? Anyway joris i whish you some long and nice rides under the midnight sun in Sweden Wilfrid from Avignon
Why does the German Forum stay alive ? Why does the French Forum stay alive ? Why does the US/UK forum stay alive ? Many people on those fora have not more in common thab a bike too !
I can see that the activity on this forum will be lower than on the others, sure. But completely dead ? Don't think so. Even if the crazy frog, dancing ursula and frozen Joris are the only ones here !
"You three will hardly be the only ones." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, i look and read everyday in this international Forum, so you´ll never walk alone...
don´t forget: it´s summer, the weather is only a dream, so, why the people should stay at home ? In the german section, there is not much traffic too. Wait for the bad days in in the year, when everyone is dreaming for the sunny days.
WWL-EhrenMitGlied Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das absehbare Ende des US-Imperiums nicht mehr all zu viele Kriege, Tote und weiteres unsägliches Leiden wie im Irak nach sich zieht.(clemens ronnefeldt)
how can you predict this, i slowly believe you are a saucerer, anyway i always remedy my little depressions with a small dose of September from Earth Wind & Fire September shall come
Le Paulé. ______________________________________________ BORE is boring ! STROKE is striking ! Gimme some more STROKE !!! ______________________________________________