This thread has been installed for English - or Non-German - speaking W650-Fans from all over the world.
If you have any question or would like to tell something about your W650, please don't hesitate to write! Many of our German members write English very well. Your English doesn't need to be perfect! World-wide communication is much more important than perfect English!
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Best wishes Joris (JeanRoule)
This message was stolen with pride (I am good at doing that) from the international Estrella forum ! Thanks Andreas (Cadfael)
Joris, Hi from Texas and the W650 yahoo group. Thanks for the opportunity to join the forum AND understand some of it. I'm writing to ask if there is a picture gallery on this site. I didn't see "galerien" listed. Thanks again. Tschuss
hi fatstring glad to see you over here try the main site ( click the w650 button on top of the page ) there you will find a galerien button to click W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte
Danke Paul, It's good to be here. I wish my German was good enough to not have to be in a separate forum, but it's better to be here than nothing. fatstring
Hi, and here I am -- it's going to be interesting navigating in German, this is one language I do not know at all! Thank you Ursula for the invite, and hello to the other people whose names I've recognized (Hello, JORIS!, Hi Fatstring!).
Hi Rose, To think, I moved to Texas from Bel Air MD (which I moved to from Germany) only to talk to you on a German W650 forum... A small but round-about world we live in. fatstring
My Name is Dave Misunas.... I live in 'Santa Cruz' California in a small costal city 80 miles South of San Francisco. I have been involved with motorcycles since I was a teenager . Over the years I always seemed to have at least one motorcycle in the garage, many times there was more than one ( my wife never did understand why more than one was necessary, but my son thought it was great) currently my only bike is the ‘W650’ 2001... Green and Cream….only modifications to date are to the seat (gel pad inserted under original seat cover) and small led turn signals in the rear to replace the large original’s.
I am considering changing the rear shocks, the stock suspension from Kawasaki is to harsh . I am looking for something to give a smoother ride. Have any of you experimented with suspension? What is the most popular replacement shock used on the “W 650”? Why?
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Hi Dave and welcome. It´s nice read about a citizen of california. Because i stayed in california 3 times and I love this country. In Santa Cruz i drunk a delicous Cappuccino I know I speek and write a horrible english, but I hope, that you´ll understand me.
to your question:
In Antwort auf: What is the most popular replacement shock used on the “W 650”? Why?
Here in germany the most people prefere "Koni" shocks. Nr. 7610-1348
The problem is, Koni didn´t produce these shocks now. you can buy used "Konis" at ebay. Or you buy new ones from "Ikon". Ikon bought the factory for motorcycle-shocks from Koni.
First of all, everybody is invited to start a new thread by clicking on >>neues Thema öffnen<< on the right side. Otherwise it will be a little unmethodical, if to many different topics are in the same thread.
In addition to Uwe: The Type of the IKON-Shocks, wich are specially for our W650 is 1603. One of the advantage is, that they are in more ways adjustable than the originals. I have no own experience, because I just ride the original shocks.(my wife also, she has her own W650)
By the way, don't worry if your wife could not understand you. I also could not resist after riding a Honda GB500(clubman) Kawa and Honda go very well together
Have Fun,
Was wissen schon posende Solarschwuchteln auf hubraumschwangeren Kasperlmotorrädern von der Kraft der zwei Zylinder...