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Dieses Thema hat 13 Antworten
und wurde 1.123 mal aufgerufen
phaedrus Offline

Beiträge: 4.501

25.05.2005 15:05
A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

Just amagine you open a discussion forum and nobody joins. Sitting in a "white room" and nothing happens.

It is true, the "small forum" has more international discussions...

perhaps things will change.


... ... ... (Nach Bedarf auszufüllen)

W_Werner2 Offline

Beiträge: 4.992

25.05.2005 15:17
#2 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

.... as time goes by ....

mostly harmless!

emjey650 Offline

Beiträge: 2.218

25.05.2005 16:05
#3 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

well it's hard to imagine that the german w-riders are now going through the pain to formulate their valuable contributions in d-english.

Guess in this forum we are inviting the non germans to write....(those who don't have their own forum yet)

Hellooo, is there someone out there ...??!!

Sonne oder Regen, die W muss sich bewegen...

der W Jörg Offline

Beiträge: 30.899

25.05.2005 16:29
#4 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

I think it's no problem .. sooner or later someone from far away write something in this Forum

i got mails form GB / Itali / Spain / France / Netherlands / Denmark / Finland / Norway / Belgium and other Eurupean Countries from USA (California/New Mexico/Hawai) / South Korea / Australia (not only from german who lives in Australia) / New Zeeland

kriegen die Kühe schlechtes Futter,
wird's Magarine anstatt Butter

w-paolo Offline

Beiträge: 25.141

25.05.2005 16:45
#5 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

The Long and Winding Road....
will lead us all together, one fine day.

Paul Mc W.
Der Bundesverkehrsminister warnt: "W-Fahren macht süchtig bzw. es erzeugt suchtähnliche Rauschzustände !"

dergelbeUlrich Offline

Beiträge: 383

25.05.2005 20:38
#6 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

contributions only in english ??? This is unfair for an international forum!!! I hope that this restriction only applies for those who are already (over)active in the german part of the forum...

I make a start with Brüsselranto : Ik permitier me te utilisieren words von tutte language - so tutte mondo komprendere me. Utilisere always word con most global kapire in Europa. Responde - pleaaaaaaaaaase !

Ohne Rad/t kein Freud

JeanRoule Offline

Beiträge: 596

25.05.2005 22:54
#7 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

Hello Jörg,

This is a great initiative ! It remains to be seen what will happen here, but better a slow international forum than no international forum at all !

If the forum booms, then maybe it will be needed to allow more languages, but for the time being I guess we can stick with English.

Jörg for President !

Great !

Rose Offline

Beiträge: 2

26.05.2005 01:23
#8 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

Cute, very cute! Perhaps we should use Interlingua, or Esperanto, or even Klingon! (Did you know there are more people who use Klingon than people who use Esperanto???)

W-Pferd Offline

Beiträge: 496

26.05.2005 07:16
#9 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

In Antwort auf:
... Klingon! (Did you know there are more people who use Klingon than people who use Esperanto???)

I didn't _know_ that before, but to be honest, it doesn't surprise me

However, does Klingon have words for carburetor, Kawasaki or at least Köngiswelle?

claudia Offline

Beiträge: 16.034

26.05.2005 09:13
#10 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

Hi Rose,
welcome! Ursula told me, that you will join us. I`m a little busy at the moment as my son (not a klingon but a famous 4 year old knight... ) is going to paint his room
Hope to read you soon
--- WWL-Befugte und Anführerin des Pott-Chapters DOW ---


ursula Offline

Beiträge: 3.879

26.05.2005 09:57
#11 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

uups, claudia - I feel sorry for you - very sorry
Don't you think his friend Veit should help him...?
W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte

und ich sag trotzdem meine Meinung !!

phaedrus Offline

Beiträge: 4.501

26.05.2005 10:05
#12 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

In Antwort auf:
or even Klingon! (Did you know there are more people who use Klingon than people who use Esperanto???)

if that is the consideration: how about Chinese - with the benefit that there are more Chinese speaking motorcylysts - albeit with considerably less than 650 or even 850 ccs - than English... or alternately Spanish?

I must admit that I do not have even a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, Chinese, Esparanto or Klingon. (what is the Kingon for Malt Whisky?)

... ... ... (Nach Bedarf auszufüllen)

claudia Offline

Beiträge: 16.034

26.05.2005 12:23
#13 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

In Antwort auf:
Don't you think his friend Veit should help him...?

I´m quite sure this would not be a good idea ! Each time those two meet themselves it always shows great ideas (in their minds, horrible ideas in our minds ) with strange results. You remember your sons argument when my son was crying: "I just wanted to show him how he could make me happy!"
But besides those boys we should arrange a meeting for the next future. I guess its time to cruise through the Westerwald and to have one or two glasses of Prosecco (the happy-maker-drink for stupid girls.....)

--- WWL-Befugte und Anführerin des Pott-Chapters DOW ---


ursula Offline

Beiträge: 3.879

26.05.2005 12:28
#14 RE:A sad si(gh)t(e) ! Antworten

In Antwort auf:
time to cruise through the Westerwald and to have one or two glasses of Prosecco

Sounds great
W650 - DoW und WWL-Befugte

und ich sag trotzdem meine Meinung !!

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